Monday, August 10, 2009

If I was a King

If I was a king, I would have a LCD TV in every room, I would finish the war of my country. I would hire professionals to paint my wife's, sons and daughters floor, walls or roof. I'll give money to the poor. My house would be like The Lost Chambers in Atlantis. There would be Secret Doors and Secret Areas to hide. There would be extremely good quality security cameras. The doors would be made out of vibrainum ( an extremely strong metal ). My backyard would be as big or bigger than Regents Park.

1 comment:

  1. I am extremeley delighted to see that you have written it so wonderfully, I cant explain how proud I feel to read it.

    Now I know that you can write brilliantly and wonderfuly. Even on a pen and paper it would look as wonderful, you only have to do the work this tidily.

    I love you my son.
